Saturday, October 11, 2008

andrea's wedding

So after all the craziness that Andrea and I went through we finally mended our relationship tonight. I think it's crazy to fight over political issues. When you love someone you learn to keep your mouth shut about certain things. Like the fact that she was marrying a girl really had nothing to do with me, so why the heck would I admit that I was a little uncomfortable with it. Just leave it alone.
I feel like I almost lost her due to a religious opinion. God told me to Love everyone. Love the sinner hate the sin. I'm done with making judgments about other people. It takes away from the beauty of life if we all can't just be different and be fine with that.
I had an amazing time at her wedding tonight. I think I really could learn to except Emma. She really is a nice girl. I mean....I know it's going to take some adjusting to, but I don't think it will be so bad after all.
I felt so...wanted tonight. I haven't felt that way in along time. Everyone at the wedding said that they had heard so much about me, meaning that Andrea cared enough to tell them. that means a lot to me.
It sucks that I almost lost someone i really love and adore to a foolish opinion that should have never been voiced. I'm just glad I got a second chance.

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