Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Rules on how to treat and keep your nanny...

  1. 1.
    a person, typically a woman, employed to care for a child in its own home.
    synonyms:caregivercaretaker, babysitter, au pairgoverness;

I've been nannying for about 8 months now. When you are a nanny, you discover that there is something like "the nanny secret society." When everyone else is settling into their cubicles at their smug high paying desk jobs, there are a group of people who take care of their families for them. Welcome to what I like to call "NANNY-dom."

During the hours of 8am - 4pm, if you happen to stumble onto a playground or find yourself wandering through a zoo, museum, or library, you may notice that there are small children with women that look nothing like them. Yes. Who knew? They are all nannies.

Now being a nanny is somewhat of an undercover lifestyle. It's rarely talked about, but in larger cities if you count up the collective population of the people in this working field, they could storm their own small city.

Now during my  time as a nanny, I've come in contact with many other nannies/ Au pairs. This is were I learned the unspoken rules of keeping your nanny happy. Why would we want to keep our nannies happy you ask? Happy nanny, makes for happy kids and happy kids make for happy parents.

Here are the rules:

5. Set realistic expectations for your nanny. 
Don't be too picky when it comes to rules. It's understandable that kids have dietary restrictions and schedules, but there should be flexibility within that. No nanny wants to feel like they'll get fired if they get stuck in a traffic jam with your kid and they were supposed to have them home ten minutes ago. It's important to be understanding.

4. Pay her what she deserves.
Your nanny should only do as much work as you pay her for.  If you want your nanny to take care of the kids and their belongings that is fine. Once the nanny has to go outside of the traditional outside duties such as taking the kids places, keeping them entertained, and cleaning up after the kids. When the task list starts to expand and shopping, running errands, cleaning house,  after the whole family, cooking etc. come into the picture, it's time we start thinking about higher pay.

3. Realize that this is her career
Most regular fulltime jobs offer sick pay and paid vacation time.  If a nanny is putting 32-40 hrs in a week with your kid, it's her primary job. She's got bills to pay too, so don't make her stress. If your family goes on vacation she should be paid half or all of her weekly wages because the fact that her "clients" are out of town is something she can't control.
Gas is always a big factor as well. Nannies spend a great deal of time driving kids around. Pay them for their gas or designate one of the family cars for her and fill that with gas.

2. Conduct reviews or meetings every couple of months. 
Nannies are not mind readers. They have no idea if you're happy with the work they are doing or if you feel their needs to be improvement. Communication is always key. Conducting "controlled talk time" will help you see eye to eye with you nanny. It is in your child's best interest that she knows what you want from her.

1. Treat your nanny like a member of the family
This person spends a great deal of time with your children and in your house. They need to feel at home to do their best work. No one likes to feel like a servant, so be engaged. Make them feel at home.  Ask her how her morning is going or about her plans for the weekend. Besides, you should want to know who the person taking care of your child is. Getting to know your nanny  will provide a level of comfort for the both of you.

That's about it for now, but that's my nanny #101

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

This blog died, but I've decided to resurrect it for art's sake

After being fantastically inspired after watching the send off shows of slam poets in the area, I've decided to start my blog up again. Writing used to be such a big part of who I was and I'm sure it probably is. It's just gone un-nutured for awhile. Throughout the last few months i've noticed a surprising growth in numbers of followers on this blog. I appreciate you all and would love to start sharing my adventures and most inner thoughts with you again.....after I get some sleep tonight. Today has been way too long. I've been a sleepy little goose all day. Goodnight moon.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Where are you Christmas?

"Where Are You Christmas"
Where are you Christmas
Why can't I find you
Why have you gone away
Where is the laughter
You used to bring me
Why can't I hear music play

My world is changing
I'm rearranging
Does that mean Christmas changes too

Where are you Christmas
Do you remember
The one you used to know
I'm not the same one
See what the time's done
Is that why you have let me go

Christmas is here
Everywhere, oh
Christmas is here
If you care, oh

If there is love in your heart and your mind
You will feel like Christmas all the time

I feel you Christmas
I know I've found you
You never fade away
The joy of Christmas
Stays here inside us
Fills each and every heart with love

Where are you Christmas
Fill your heart with love

Monday, July 6, 2009

A tough Season

This is one of the toughest seasons of my life spiritually. God is doing some serious pruning. I know he's taking the people out of my life that I've become a little too close too. I know that God is a jealous God, but ...sheesh! Couldn't he have done this before I became this close to everyone. Feeling this lonely for this long is really trying and I must admit... I feel like I'm slipping, finding it hard to keep the faith.
I worship my heart out and try to stay in my word, but somethings just not the same. I'm resentful and I don't know how to stop it. I feel like my heart is hardening and I'm not a receptive to people as I used to be and honestly I don't know how to stop the progression. But who's to say if I am supposed to stop it. I'm holding my heart out to him and asking him to take the pain away...I don't know what he wants from me anymore.

Maybe I'll feel a bit better tomorrow. Night all.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Sometimes it feels like your world is crumbling around you. Although it is, you just haven't noticed it until now. I've been holding alot inside for the past couple months. Trying everyday to put a smiling face on and be a good trouper, but after awhile....it's just time to be honest with your self. I've seen that holding all this stuff in and not talking about results in massive blow up, which make people the you're crazy and long lapsses of....emptiness. I guess this all started whwn my family started having problems. My parents seperated then got back together, then my brother stopped talking to my parents, then my sister lost my neice in nefew to their father who is a ex-con. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss and worry about those kids.Then she stopped talking to my parents. Holidays have been rough because , there really is no such thing as a family event anymore. On Christmas, mom and dad get up arounf 11 am. We eat, then mom goes back to sleep and dad goes to work. I stay home with my little brother and aunt and watch TV all day. I remember when my sibs where around my parents actually bothered taking the time off of work. There was alot more laughter...we all actually talked to each other.

My mom and I have always been very close and dad and I are still trying to repair a relationship that went sour years ago. It seems to be coming along and that puts a bit of sun in my sky from day to day. I know that there is hope. I pray that someday we'll be a family again.
This stuff has been going on for years, yet I never had to pay attention to it, because I had friends. Friends to occupy my time...good friends (or at least what I thought were good friends). You leave for a year and it's to hell with you all of a sudden. What do they need you for? right?
Then you meet new friends you think are totally awesome, but they're even faster to do the back stabbing. Then, you're left alone, and all of a sudden...you have time on your hands. More time than usual to really sit and think about time gone by .......
and you have to face it. You have to face what's going on around you. What's been going on for months or even years. And you have to ask God what the heck to do with this mess that's been made of a once amazing life. How do I put it back together?

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Today I went in a full circle on what I wanted to do with my life . My first class had gotten let out of Final cut editing early. Katie and I sat around in the lounge talking about switching majors, then she pulled out the progression sheets for each coarse. I looked at the BFA in acting and thought that all the classes looked really cool. I really wanted to take them. I tried calling my dad to tell him that I wanted to switch majors. I was so excited I wanted to bust and oh so sure of myself. I told myself "I'm not going to let anyone stop me. I'm gonna follow my passion. Who cares what others may think." .I pretty much knew that my dad would think I was loosing my mind and setting myself up for failure. I didn't get to see him till about 6 o' clock pm. He told me I could do whatever I wanted, but that he didn't think it was wise and that I should stay in the same major. I got mad at him and told him that he always had to make me feel bad about the things that I wanted to accomplish for myself. I told him I was a big girl and could make my own decisions. I was set on changing my major. The first two people I talked to told me that I should follow my heart and go with what I wanted to do. It would run less of the risk of me dropping out of college. I was determined! Nothing was gonna stand in my way....then....I thought it may be wise to ask the two women in my life who I ask for advice all the time. They've never steered me wrong. Christine and Michelle....of course we all know what happens here. They're old and wiser....they know. They talked me out of my stupid antics and set me straigh...lovingly.
I'm back where I started. Why do I feeel like I waisted a mssive amount of brain power. It's 2am better hit the sack. Class in the morning....well I have to wake up in 5 hours. Very nice. I love screwing myself over:]

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Where'd me go?

The nights go by.
The sleep wont come.
I let out a sigh and know I'm done.
Where's the hope I used to feel?
There's too much pain!
Can this be real?!
I'm not me.
No not the person I used to be.
She found joy
in everything.
The shining baby doll
with a gapped tooth smile
with a loving spirit
that went on for miles.
She took a trip across the sea
to find the person she called"Me".
Not knowing Me was right there by here side,
Me tagged along for the ride.
Me got lost in all their hearts
and when it was time for them to part
they all took a piece of me home,
but she went home all alone.