Monday, July 6, 2009

A tough Season

This is one of the toughest seasons of my life spiritually. God is doing some serious pruning. I know he's taking the people out of my life that I've become a little too close too. I know that God is a jealous God, but ...sheesh! Couldn't he have done this before I became this close to everyone. Feeling this lonely for this long is really trying and I must admit... I feel like I'm slipping, finding it hard to keep the faith.
I worship my heart out and try to stay in my word, but somethings just not the same. I'm resentful and I don't know how to stop it. I feel like my heart is hardening and I'm not a receptive to people as I used to be and honestly I don't know how to stop the progression. But who's to say if I am supposed to stop it. I'm holding my heart out to him and asking him to take the pain away...I don't know what he wants from me anymore.

Maybe I'll feel a bit better tomorrow. Night all.

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